European Microfinance Networ : Annual Conference (Graphic recording)

The EMN Annual Conference is the highest-profile event on financial inclusion and microfinance in Europe. Organised every year since 2004, it is a meeting of minds and ideas and the perfect opportunity for industry experts to network, exchange experiences, learn, and connect with representatives and stakeholders from the sector, and even lay the groundwork for successful partnerships in the future.
This year is special as EMN is conveying all of those partners passionate about financial inclusion and social enterprise finance to its 20th anniversary in Paris to spend a few days looking closely at entrepreneurship and how financial inclusion can better serve entrepreneurs.
Who are the entrepreneurs in Europe, what is their profile, how are the entrepreneurs dealing with the crisis, what do young entrepreneurs, women and migrants want and need, how is the microfinance sector supporting them, what are innovative ways to do this and can MFIs also support social enterprises? In which ways is the landscape different across Europe, what is the role of coaching and mentoring to the success of enterprises, how do impact investors and microfinance institutions work together with the social and environmental goals in mind?
This conference, like no other, will put the entrepreneurs at the very centre of its exchanges, and the sessions will be organized around them. The conference will be very interactive and practical. Still, there will be plenty of space to network and to share lessons learned from some actors working at the meso level on improving the ecosystem.